Tag Archives: control

The Role of Portion Control in Healthy Eating

Portion control is a critical aspect of healthy eating that often goes overlooked. It involves being mindful of the quantity of food you consume during meals and snacks. When you practice portion control, you can enjoy your favorite foods while managing your calorie intake and preventing overindulgence. Many people overlook the importance of portion control in maintaining a healthy diet. Portion control requires you to be mindful of how much food you eat during meals and snacks. Did you know you can indulge in your favorite foods while keeping track of your calorie intake? By practicing portion control, you can easily manage your diet without sacrificing your favorite foods. It’s a simple and effective way to avoid overindulging and stay on track toward your health goals.

One effective portion control strategy is using smaller plates and utensils, which can trick your brain into feeling satisfied with less food. Additionally, paying attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues helps you stop eating when you’re happy, not stuffed.

Portion control empowers you to make conscious food choices, avoid overeating, and maintain a healthy relationship with food.


Jia, S. S., Liu, Q., Allman-Farinelli, M., Partridge, S. R., Pratten, A., Yates, L., … & McGill, B. (2022). The use of portion control plates to promote healthy eating and diet-related outcomes: a scoping review. Nutrients14(4), 892.

Rolls, B. J. (2014). What is the role of portion control in weight management?. International journal of obesity38(1), S1-S8.

Sitting for long periods at a desk may have a negative impact

Standing up and moving every 30 minutes for about three minutes may help mitigate the adverse health effects of prolonged sitting. Participants in this study found that taking as little as 15 steps during these mini-breaks enhanced elements of blood sugar management in the office setting. In a three-week study, Swedish researchers investigated what happened when office employees were instructed to break up their sitting time in their regular job over three weeks. Half of the participants wore activity trackers for a week, during which they were examined for metabolic health; the other half stood and moved about while at their jobs. The activity monitors woke them up every 30 minutes throughout the workday and reminded them to get up and move about for three minutes.

Move for 3 Minutes, Every Half-Hour, to Counter the Ill …. https://news.yahoo.com/move-3-minutes-every-half-123156762.html