Cartoon misrepresenting Ann Frank

Frank died at 15 in the Nazi concentration camp in Bergen-Belsen in 1945 United Kingdom military liberated it. The posthumous syndication of the young Jewish girl’s diary, which in turn shed light on life under Nazi occupation, presented her as a significant figure through the Holocaust.

Frank’s face was in fact then positioned above the picture of a bikini-clad female’s body.

The cartoon received instant repercussion, together with the regional Anti-Defamation League stating this surpassed the line from humor to anti-Semitism.

Note from the author:

I normally don’t get in discuss about this but, as a multi-ethnic person who has Jewish roots. I believe people should be accountable for their words. Words do matter. The sole focus is to become the best person you can be in this universe. Misrepresenting or slandering one’s culture is offensive and the person doing it should no better. There are many sensitive issue. Many Jewish people died in Nazi concentration camps. Some of those people were my relatives. There are times, I shake my head and think, what is the matter with our culture and country? I leave my reader with this quote from Ann Frank, ” In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.

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